
For more feedback from parents, teachers, headteachers, and pupils, please see our end of year Impact Report.


“We wanted to pass on our thanks to Mr Khan for having done such a great job of teaching our kids how to play chess and to be able to compete at this event confidently and well. And to have such enjoyment of the game. Wolf and Olive really enjoyed their day yesterday. And both Louise and I were super proud of them. They played very well and did it with a smile on their faces for the whole day”. - Parental feedback on Hinchley Wood Primary student performance in the Surrey Megafinal.

"I wanted to also mention how much Grace’s school has benefited from the support of Paul and your organisation. The number of children that developed an interest in chess last year was fantastic and I would guarantee that any parent of any player and their teacher would say how much of a positive influence this is having. We have also found a real improvement academically for Grace since she has been playing, especially related to her problem solving skills." - Richard Cook, Grace's father

"My son Reuben has loved having the opportunity to learn and play chess at Links Primary School. Their tutor combines an expert level of chess skills with a passion for the game that is contagious for the children. I have seen Reuben's concentration deepen and extend, his confidence grow and he has learned many skills that he is transferring to other parts of his life. The chess has given him an opportunity to enjoy competition, to take risks and to improve his strategic thinking." - Parental feedback from Links Primary School, Merton. 


"We started chess in September and the transformation in the children's ability to understand and enjoy the game is remarkable. From their starting point 12 weeks ago to the position they are in now is all down to the teaching and enthusiasm of Jo, our chess leader. Jo has introduced the different pieces through a variety of games so that the children can understand what they do and how important they are to the game. The children have built their problem-solving skills, resilience and perseverance through playing chess. These are all areas that we have been looking to improve upon through our whole school development.

Monday mornings are an absolute joy in our school and this is all down to the teaching of Jo. Over half of our group have asked for a chess set for Christmas and the games that we play in class are becoming more intense, more tactical, with the children thinking 3 or 4 moves ahead at all times. I cannot thank Jo enough for the opportunity that chess has given the children at my school." Matthew Herbert (Headteacher), Reedness Primary School.

"Since introducing an after school chess club here at New City Primary school it has quickly become the most popular and most requested club to join. The children have benefited in a number of ways since we started our partnership with CSC and their chess coaches. The level of excitement in the build up to our Tuesday club is electrifying with the children eager to pick up from the previous weeks learning and to then learn new skills to improve how they play. Since starting our chess club the children have had opportunities to link and play against/with other schools which has in turn taught the children key life/chess skills such as being patient, respectful and to show a level of good sportsmanship. 

The children's behaviour across the school has improved and this could be down to the key principles as mentioned from playing chess. All of the children are eager to continue playing chess and hopefully take part in this year’s Chess Fest, which was by far the highlight of many of the children's years in 2022."  Samuel Dutch (Deputy Head), New City Primary School

"Since our involvement with Chess in Schools as part of School Improvement project, both achievement and progress in maths has risen. Individual tracking of children’s progress has shown that all children make at least good progress and some children with difficulties made more than expected progress. All children in Key Stage Two have benefitted in so many ways. Children have learnt the polite behaviours and the social conventions associated with playing the game." - Kim McCalmont, Headteacher at Stone with Woodford CofE Primary School

"Children have really made so much progress. It was very evident in the more able children who thrived with the strategy aspect of the game but also very encouraging to see how the least able children in the class became more and more focused as the sessions progressed. They are now more able to focus and retain key information. For all of them, it has boosted their thinking skills and made them more strategic about how they approach problem solving in all areas of the curriculum, not only during the chess lesson." - Natalia Debernardis, KS1 Phase Leader at St. Francis' Catholic Primary School.

In their own words

"When I first learnt chess I was confused and I didn't know what to do. Also I was daydreaming when Mr. Marsh was talking. Now I am not daydreaming; I am concentrating and working hard. When I was in Year 3 I was playing people and losing, but now I am winning." - Kaci, 9

"Chess has taught me a lot of things and helped me beat people I can't beat at other things. I have learned a lot of things through our chess teacher. I feel like I am improving my chess skills and stepping up, getting closer to the Megafinal. I am learning more than I thought." 
- William, 10 

"Chess has also got me socialising with my family a lot more. I've also been able to gain more confidence in my speaking for my shows because I've been teaching my family to play chess." 
- Faye, 10

"I like chess because my brother, dad and grandad play it so I try to play against them. To play chess you need to be strong-minded, a strategist and most of all determined. Chess can be hard, but if you lose it will help you get better." 
- Ella, 10