29 September 2018 - Shahjahon Saidmurodov played white against Aayan Ismail today in the final round of the first tournament in the 2018/19 Newham Junior Grand Prix. Shahjahon won the first Grand Prix, in 2016; Aayan was the 2018 winner.

Shahjahon won in under thirty moves with a fierce attack against Aayan's castled king. Shahjahon thereby scored 5/5, putting him 26 points clear in the Grand Prix.

"It was great to see two former champions going head-to-head in the final round", said Alan Bright - the tournament director and a tutor with Chess in Schools and Communities. "It was also a great experience for their other opponents - having the opportunity to play such strong players".

In third place, with 4/5, was seven-year old Karam Balaggan, playing in only his second Grand Prix event. He played neither Shahjahon nor Aayan, but his victims did include Aryan Gohil - last year's under-nine champion.

The second round of the Grand Prix takes place on Saturday 27 October. 


Latest news: Aayan new Grand Prix Champion

10 February 2018 - Aayan Ismail from Tower Hamlets today won the final round of the Newham Junior Grand Prix and with it the overall 2017/18 Grand Prix. He scored 6/6 for an overall Grand Prix score of 779 points.

Second in the Grand Prix was Greenwich's Mateusz Bazan with 704 points; Kelvin Sermaxhaj, who came second today, was third overall.

Under-nine champion was Aryan Gohil from Manor Park. Bhavika Raghupatruni was the girls' champion.

The photo shows all the prize-winners from today and the overall Grand Prix.

This year's Grand Prix had a record 66 entrants. The first round of the 2018/19 Grand Prix is planned for September.

- Alan Bright (CSC Newham GP Organiser)