
CSC Merseyside Schools' Chess Tournament 2024

CSC was delighted to return to St George's Hall for its annual schools' tournament, generously supported by Liverpool City Council and the Angus Lawson Memorial Trust. Over 300 children took part from 27 different primary schools. A report can be found here

The Difference Chess can Make - a testimonial from a parent at Knotty Ash PS

Riley is a year 6 pupil. He is a strong character. He is quick witted, intelligent, socially aware of his peers and respectful of his teachers. He has been taught chess for 10 weeks. He has Downs syndrome (DS). One of the issues with DS is that, sometimes the fine motor skills are challenged.

In Riley’s case, because of the development of his thumbs, he can’t hold things like pens, pencils and other slim or small items…. that was until he learnt to play chess During Riley’s first lesson, he enjoyed throwing the pieces around the board, swiping them off the board or pushing them across the board to get them to move from one square to another. His support teacher, Lorraine, patiently helped Riley to realise that the little round head of the pawn could be gently pinched and picked up, then moved from square to square.

9 weeks later, Riley has learned to distinguish colours in the game. He has learned to take turns. He has learned to count… using number of pawns left on the board. When the game ends, his hand shoots across to the opponent ready to shake his opponent’s hand and either congratulate them or say “hard luck” He has been taught the rules of the game and he sticks to them rigidly and reminds others of the rules too😊.

Riley's CSC tutor adds:

I have to add that this has come about, not only due to the involvement of CSC, but mainly because of the hard work and consistent contribution from his teacher, the team and his friends. He is now learning about the rook. It is going to take some time, but Riley will be able to play chess… so be prepared to lose to him. Riley loves taking part in the Delancey tournament that we are holding in the class. He has won one game out of two and proudly wears his tournament badge with the gleaming gold sticker showing that he has won a game. His opponents have been told not to go easy on him. I hope he wins more games before the tournament ends It never ceases to amaze me how chess continues to teach different things to children… Calculation, Imagination, Creativity, Problem solving, Visualisation, problem solving and so many other things, but I never thought it would help with fine motor skills until I met Riley”

King Charles visits CSC Merseyside

CSC Merseyside joined up with Liverpool Chess Club to welcome King Charles and the Queen Consort to Liverpool Central Library as part of the city's Eurovision celebrations. You can read a report here

Merseyside Senior Schools Chess Congress, 2023

This February, CSC was delighted to stage the second Merseyside Senior Schools Chess Congress at North Liverpool Academy. We were joined by 95 students for a full day of chess excellence. Our Merseyside coordinator, Jenny Long, has written a full report here


  1. North Liverpool Academy – A Team 5/5
  2. Liverpool Blue Coat School – A Team 4/5
  3. Liverpool Blue Coat School – B Team (3.5/5)
  4. Liverpool Blue Coat School – C Team (3.5/5)

 Highly commended (3/5): Gateacre High School – A Team, University of Liverpool Maths School, St Margaret’s Academy – A Team, St John’s Church, North Liverpool Academy – B Team

Liverpool St Georges Hall Tournament July 2022

.A report on our the 6th CSC Merseyside Junior Chess tournament in the beautiful surroundings of St. George Hall can be found here

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Green Park Primary School, Sefton - Andrew Legge

St William of York Primary School, Sefton - Jenny Long

Childwall Valley Primary School, Liverpool - Roger Williamson

St John Vianney Primary School, Liverpool

Our Lady of the Assumption Primary School, Liverpool

Greenbank Primary School, Liverpool - Roger Williamson

Knotty Ash Primary School, Liverpool

Wellesbourne, Liverpool - Jenny Long

The Beacon, Liverpool - Natasha May

Bishop Martin, Liverpool - Natasha May

Kirkdale St Lawrence, Liverpool - Natasha May

Monksdown, Liverpool - Roger Williamson

Our Lady and St Swithin's, Liverpool - Jenny Long

St George's Primary School, Wirral - Natasha May

Mount Primary School, Wirral - Roger Williamson

Our Lady and St Edward's Primary School, Wirral - Graham Carr

Our Lady of Pity Primary School, Wirral - Graham Carr

Sacred Heart Primary School, Wirral - Roger Williamson

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Supported by the Anthony Lawson Memorial Trust, United Way Worldwide, and The Ford Britain Trust

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