
Bobby Moore Primary School

Brampton Primary

Carpenters Primary

Gallions Primary 

Godwin Primary

Lathom Junior 

New City Primary

Park Primary School

Rosetta Primary

Sheringham Primary

St Francis' Catholic Primary

St Joachim's Primary 

St Stephen's Primary 

Tollgate Primary

Previously Taught at: 

Calverton Primary School
Carpenters Primary School
Gainsborough Primary School
Ranelagh Primary School
Rosetta Primary School
Selwyn Primary School
St Antony's Primary School
Vicarage Primary School
William Davies Primary School

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CSC Newham Schools' Chess Tournament 2024

CSC Newham Schools' Chess Tournament 2023

Clash of Champions - Grand Prix Updates

St Joachim's wins Invitational Tournament

Joshua bows out in style

Newham Lord Mayor's Show

Supported by The London Borough of Newham

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