In 2016, the researcher Sandy Ruxton carried out a survey of 64 tutors, 89 teachers, 40 parents and 197 pupils on behalf of Chess in Schools and Communities. The results were very positive:

  • 96% of staff felt that pupils enjoyed the lessons "tremendously" or "quite a bit"
  • There was widespread agreement that chess had improved thinking skills (97%), problem-solving (97%), sportsmanship (97%), self-esteem (90%) and concentration (89%).
  • 77% of children played chess with friends, 65% with a computer and 53% with parents.
  • Parents saw improvement in coping with winning and losing (95%), self-esteem (92%) and sportsmanship (92%).

"Our younger children have embraced the structure and routine of chess and it has definitely helped with their concentration skills. It has been a wonderful addition to the school curriculum."

"It's a thing everyone can play and even if you're not good at other subjects you can be good at this."